Every year in Vistage, we focus on goal setting and achieving. We review goals from last year. Understand what got in the way and reset for the coming year. It is one of the most important and impactful activities we do. I invite you to join us! Members will submit goals to me by December 31st using the link above. The forms we use, a video of the process and my goals are all resources available to you on this page. High performing leaders set and achieve goals.

High Performing members set and achieve goals. For more High Performing behaviors, visit www.tomcuthbert.com/highperforming

It's the most wonderful time of the year... goal setting! The question is, how do you achieve your goals? Over the years I have built resources to help those I coach to become achievers. I invite you to use these as well. On this page you will find a goal worksheet, reflections document, resources and even a video explanation of our process. Be an #achiever in 2025!

Let me know if we can help. Contact Brie at brie@tomcuthbert.com

For more information on ways to improve productivity, click HERE.

Keys to Success

•Find your inspiration and motivation

•Make them visible, keep them visible

•Start small, think big (impact)

•Celebrate progress, learn from failure

•Review frequently and gain momentum

•Use Lenses everyday to say no and yes

•Know what gets in the way for you

My own mission, vision, lenses and goals are listed below.  I share these to model transparency and accountability for my members, clients and friends.

Mission (What I do every day)
To help leaders see what they cannot, while equipping them to achieve more than they imagined possible.

Vision (Where I will be in 3-5 years)

  • Make a sustaining impact 

  • Be a great listener

  • Be grateful, authentic and supportive

  • Live curious

Lenses are guiding principles to keep you on track.

Lenses (Guiding principles to keep me on track)

  1. Use time wisely

  2. No mediocrity

  3. Do less, better

  4. Know the cost

My Core Values

My three things (The focus activities, most impactful)

  1. Plan

  2. Coach

  3. Facilitate

How my Flywheel Turns
Based on Jim Collins
book, “Turning the Flywheel”
(The business processes I use to build momentum)

My Hedgehog Principles

What am I passionate about:  Doing significant work with people I love

What can I be best in the world at: CEO Coach

Economic engine: Chairing, coaching, speaking and training

What's an hour of your time worth?

Impact of an hour of my time = $42,555

Daily Habits (Behavior drivers that help me achieve goals)

  1. 8 hours of sleep (Track using Auto Sleep and Chilipad)

  2. Wake up and out of bed at 6 am Monday to Thursday)

  3. Devotional before coffee

  4. No email after 630 am or after 6 pm 

  5. Drink 80 ozs (5 bottles) of water everyday

  6. Change voicemail daily 

  7. Remove Apple watch when I arrive home

  8. Leave iPhone on charger for 121s

  9. Gym 240 days (~5x / week) / Walk 8,000 steps daily

  10. Power nap daily

  11. Read WSJ daily (but only while moving, tread, bike, stairstep)

  12. Read physical book every night before bed

  13. Track food intake

Personal goals for 2025

  1. 10 days in Colorado with grandkids, 20 days with grandsons, 30 days at beach

  2. Complete the Green Box exercise.
    Share with Jill and PAB (Personal Advisory Board)

  3. Increase muscle mass quarter to quarter. 

  4. 160 workdays

  5. Invest 100 hours into personal mentoring

Business goals for 2025

1) Vistage: 95% utilization (100% primary groups), 85% retention

2) Record 50 ChairLife podcasts, launch Grow CEO podcast, launch new website

3) Complete Biz Equity valuations on all eligible member companies and track progress

4) Consolidate Sales City Group and Cuthbert Capital leadership to remove me from day to day oversight

5) Sales City Group and Vistage achieve budgeted targets

Most important goal:
Stay focused on my Three Things
Word of the year:
  Praestantia (pry-stan-sha), exceptional quality or distinction


Personal goals for 2024 (Updates in bold)

  1. 10 days in Colorado with granddaughter, 20 days with grandsons, 30 days at beach house Completed with grandkids, missed days at beach

  2. Complete the Green Box exercise.  Share with Jill and PAB (Personal Advisory Board) Not complete

  3. Body fat lower quarter to quarter.  240 days at gym.  Maintain labs.  Weight 150 or better. Stay off meds. Completed, 243 days at gym, weight 148

  4. 161 work days Worked 174

  5. Read 20 business books, 10 personal books and WSJ daily Completed

Business goals for 2024 (updates in bold)

1) Sales City Group +40%, profitable Completed

2) Vistage:  85% attendance, 93% utilization (100% primary groups), 85% retention, top 5 nationally, 200 members, all groups own goals Completed most, 172 total members

3) Implement process to track enterprise value for member companies Completed

4) Nominate 80 member/chair candidates resulting in 25 referral joins Not completed

5) Launch Head of Media (newsletter, podcast, social media) Completed

Personal goals for 2023 (Updates in bold)

Achieved weight goal in 2022

1. Follow daily habits, meet fitness goals, 240 days at gym/yoga, 6,000 push ups. Lower weight Q to Q. Unassisted handstand 20 seconds 242 days at gym, 4,800 push ups, missing yoga goal, weight down 12 lbs for year, handstand record 45 seconds
2. Spend 10 nights at beach house with family Beach house not complete until Dec, spent 9 nights
3. Find an activity for evening with family and play a round of golf with Jill On track
4. 2 date nights with Jill per month, 5 full days with each child and grandchild, 8 trips to Arkansas to see Ernie On track with Jill, and Ernie, off track with kids, grandkids
5. Break 100 in golf last round 112

Business goals for 2023 (Q3 updates in bold)

1. Implement "High Performing" program all groups, measure results, scores improve Q to Q On track
2. Maintain 90% utilization rate with 100% capacity in CEO groups. 85% retention, 85% attendance across all groups 92% utilization rate, CEO groups full, retention 89%, attendance 82%
3. Read 20 books, take refresher on CI and complete Sandler training 25 books ytd, off track Sandler training
4. Close funding, launch SCG plan, acquire/open 3 locations, retain team On track, 4 locations open
5. Groups achieve Vistage Top 20 Current rank 12 out of 611

Most important goal: Break 100 in golf

Word of the year:  Relax and be kind

Personal goals for 2022 (update in bold)

  1. Get Ernie moved in and settled in Methodist Village. Sell Dad's house Done!

  2. Lunch or dinner with Jill each week, 2 date nights per month, 4 trips, bi-weekly bible study Done

  3. No more than 200 work days (1,600 hours), Sabbatical in July, play golf monthly, no coaching clients in July or December Limited work days to 200, missed playing golf monthly, took off in July, will work less than 200 days

  4. Follow daily habits, meet fitness goals, 240 days at gym, yoga weekly. 10,000 push ups, 1,000 minutes in plank, be able to do an unassisted handstand for 10 seconds Generally follow routines, will fall short on push ups due to shoulder issues (~5,000), have not done yoga often, met plank goal and can do a handstand for more than 10 seconds!

  5. Fridays off with friends and family, 18 days with grandkids, 8 trips to Arkansas Fridays off 80%, time with grandkids missed, met trips to Arkansas

Business goals for 2022 (update in bold)

  1. Maintain 90% utilization rate with 100% capacity in CEO groups. 85% retention, 85% attendance across all groups Completed all, attendance missed at 78%

  2. Attend Chairworld, plus 10 hours training, read 20 books, take refresher on Culture Index Attended Chairworld, read 20 books YTD, did not take CI refresher

  3. Open (or acquire) two Sales City Group Sandler locations. Meet Sales San Antonio revenue goal (Acquired Sandler Raleigh, NC, San Antonio revenue goal TBD.

  4. Fully utilize my Admin and Chief of Staff to guard my time and accomplish more, launch predictive revenue model for Sandler  All accomplished

  5. Improve VCG 6010 overall utilization rate by 20% TBD by EOY

Most important goal: Friday’s off

Word of the year:  Presence / Be the man (other’s need me to be)

Personal goals for 2021 (update in bold)

1.  Lunch or dinner with Jill each week, 2 date nights per month, 4 trips, weekly bible study and two walks per week (100 walks a year) (Off track, reset for 2021)

 2. No more than 200 work days (1,600 hours), Sabbatical in July, play golf monthly, no coaching clients in July or December (220 workdays <covid> and 1780 hours)

 3. Follow daily habits, meet fitness goals, 240 days at gym, 12,000 push ups.  Lower weight Q to Q (Completed)

 4. 45 Fridays off with friends and family, 15 days with grandkids, 8 trips to Arkansas (28 Fridays off, 10 days with grandkids and 8 trips to AR)

 5. Daily Bible study + BLE.  Make my faith visible to others.  Establish family trust for charitable giving (On track)

Business goals for 2021 (update in bold)

1. Maintain 90% utilization rate with 100% capacity in CEO groups. 85% retention, 85% attendance across all groups (Utilization 91%, retention 86%, attendance 81%)

 2. Attend Chairworld, plus 10 hours training, read 20 books, take refresher on CI and attend Arbinger Training in DC (Training and reading complete, CI and Arbinger off track)

3. Open new Sandler Training Center in San Antonio ( Complete)

4. Sandler San Antonio exceeds budget, fully implement Traction, open second location in new market (Budget achieved after Covid reset, Ruby award Q4, second location reset for 2021, Traction complete)

5. Improve VCG 6010 overall utilization rate by 20% (Reset for 2021)

Most important goal: 100 walks with my wife (Did not achieve)

Word of the year:  No mediocrity

Business Goals for 2019 (updated Q3 results in bold)
1. Maintain 100% capacity all 5 groups with 85% retention, 85% attendance (YTD 90% capacity, added 6th group increasing capacity, 83.6% attendance, 85.2% retention)
2. Attend Chairworld, five VCG meetings, 10 hours training, read 20 books (Chairworld, all VCG meetings, training in July, read 17 books YTD)
3. Improve Vistage Chair Net Promoter Score quarter to quarter (Q1-83 Q2-84, Q3-90)
4. Sandler San Antonio exceeds budget, open second location in new market (YTD +6% to budget, identified new market)
5. Achieve Master chair designation, launch new VCG as BPC and find ways to give back to Vistage chairs (Achieved Master Chair and recognized with Hyndman award. Taught productivity sessions at Chairworld, sharing learnings from Emerging Leader program. Named Best Practice Chair for South Texas in August)

Personal Goals for 2019
1.  Lunch or dinner with Jill each week, 2 date nights per month, 4 trips (On track, 3 trips taken, 1 planned)
2. Limit work to 200 days, no weekends, 40 Fridays off. Sabbatical in July (90% on track, worked 16/39 Fridays YTD. Sabbatical completed)
3. 240 days at gym (YTD 188/273), maintain good labs and fitness. Weight lower Q to Q (weight -.4 Q2, -1.2 Q3)
4. Practice piano 3 times per week (not even close! I ended piano lessons in June. Learned a lot and love playing. On to golf in 2020!)
5. Daily Bible study + BLE.  Make my faith visible to others (Made 18/20 Bible studies)


Business Goals for 2018 (Results bolded)

1. Maintain 100% capacity all four groups and coaching clients with 95% retention (Overall capacity = 106%, Retention - 87%)
3. Attend Chairworld, four VCG meetings, 10 hours training, read 12 books (Chairworld complete, training in July for 16 hours at Arbinger Institute, read 17 books)
4. Improve Vistage Chair effectiveness score quarter to quarter (Achieved)
5. Triple Sandler San Antonio revenue vs. 2017.  Acquire second location (YTD = +1621% vs LY, missed new location)

Personal Goals for 2018 (Results bolded)

1.  Never miss lunch/dinner with Jill each week, 2 date nights per month and 4 trips (Consistently met goal, 5 trips taken)
2. Follow scheduling boundaries and email protocol (~90% effectiveness.  Reduced coaching clients from 11 to 5, scheduling more effectively)
3. Learn sight-read music adding 6 songs to repertoire (~75% able to sight-read, learned 2 new songs)
4. Gym 5 days per week, maintain good labs and fitness.  Weight lower quarter-to-quarter (Average days at gym = 4.2, weight end of Q1  down 1.2lbs, Q2 down additional 1.1 lbs.  Q3 down additional .8 lbs. Q4 same.)
5. Make my faith visible to others (Ask those around me!  I believe so)